Back Squat 5×8
Bent Over Row 5×8
800m Run
AMRAP Wallballs
Back Squat 5×8
Bent Over Row 5×8
800m Run
AMRAP Wallballs
4 Rounds For Time
400m Run
50m Overhead Lunge Walk
30 KB Swings
10 Pull ups
For Quality:
80 Bodyrows
80 Thrusters
80 Moving Planks
80 Ball Slams
80 Reverse Snow Angels
For Time:
800m Run
Deadlift 4-3-2-1-1-1 etc until 1RM
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for quality
True Pushups
DB Row each
Olympic Lifting practice
Barbell Strict Press 5×8
paired with
Pull ups 5×10
5 Rounds:
1 min wallsit
100m Sprint
rest 1 minute between rounds
Bent Over Barbell Row 4×10
paired with
DB Snatch 4×3 each
4 Rounds For Time:
15 Air Squats
15 Situps
15 Push Ups
21-15-9 Reps of:
Toes to Bar
3 Rounds For Time:
250m Row
15 Thrusters
3 Rounds For Time:
25 KB Swings
25 Hand Release Pushups
9 minute cap for each workout. 3 minutes rest between workouts.
Barbell Lunge 5×8
paired with
Box Jump 5×500
Pull Ups 5×10
paired with
Ab Wheel 5×10
1 mile Run For Time
Bench Press 5×10
paired with
Lawnmowers 5×10 each
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Bear Complex