Barbell Reverse Lunge 5×6 each
paired with
Toes to Bar 5×10
Bear Complex
Barbell Reverse Lunge 5×6 each
paired with
Toes to Bar 5×10
Bear Complex
Olympic Lifting
Bent Over Barbell Row 5×10
paired with
Ball Slams 5×10
2-4-6-8-10-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Push Ups
Goblet Squats
Sit Ups
“Power 50”
50 Reps total of each exercise
Bench Press
Weight on the bar is your bodyweight.
For Fun:
120 Kettlebell Swings
100 Bodyrows
80 Wallballs
60 Box Jumps
40 Lunge Walk steps each
20 Calorie Bike
Deadlift 5×5 unbroken
paired with
Push Ups 5×20
Team Row
Olympic Lifting Practice
Thrusters 5×5
Pull Ups 5×10
Ab Wheelies 5×10
Death by Burpees
400m Run
Bulgarian Split Squats 3×10 each
paired with
DB Snatch 3×3 each
Hanging L-Sit 4×30 sec
paired with
Med Ball Side Toss 4×10 each
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (65/45)
AMRAP 9:00 each
250m Row
15 Thrusters
10 Tire Flips
10 Burpees
50m Bearcrawl
20 Double Unders (80 Singles)