30 Oct 19
Romanian Deadlift 5×8
paired with
Pull Ups 5×5/10
EMOTM 12:00
Even 12 Pushups
Odd 20 KB Swings
Romanian Deadlift 5×8
paired with
Pull Ups 5×5/10
EMOTM 12:00
Even 12 Pushups
Odd 20 KB Swings
Olympic Lifting Practice
Push Press 5×5
Back Squats 5×5
30-20-10 reps for time
For time:
21 deadlifts, 225 lb.
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225 lb.
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 225 lb.
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts, 315 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
Time cap: 9 min.
In Pairs:
800m Run
100 Wallballs
100 Calorie Row
100 Box Jumps
50 Tire Flips
DB Bench Press 5×10
paired with
Pull Ups 5×10
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Burpees
400m Run
Olympic Lifting Practice
Deadlift 5×5
paired with
30 sec 3 Point Plank
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Reps For Quality
Air Squats
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 Dumbbell Thrusters (50 lbs / 35 lbs)
6 Toes-To-Bars
24 Double-Unders
5 Sets:
1 Clean + 5 Push Press
paired with
Toes to Bar 5×10
2 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
200m Farmer Walk
100m Bear Crawl