Dedicated to Serious Personal Training

510-523-4769 · 2259 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, California 94502

Concrete Body Crossfit

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Archive: Nov 2019


4 Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squats 5×5 each
paired with
Box Jumps 5×5

4 Sets:
Dips 5×10
paired with
Lawnmowers 5×10 each

100 Biceps Curls
100 Diamond Push ups


400m Run
60 KB Swings
60 Push ups
400m Run
200m Lungewalk
400m Run
60 Press
60 Bodyrows
400m Run
60 Burpees


Squat 5×10
DB Press 5×8 each
Pull Ups 5×5

Team Row


Olympic Lifting


Deadlift 5×5
paired with
Ab Wheel 5×10

20 Pushups
18 Pushups 2 Situps
16 Pushups 4 Situps
14 Pushups 6 Situps
12 Pushups 8 Situps
10 Pushups 10 Situps
8 Pushups 12 Situps
6 Pushups 14 Situps
4 Pushups 16 Situps
2 Pushups 18 Situps
20 Situps


9:00 AMRAP
250M Row
10 Thrusters
10 Toes to Bar

9:00 AMRAP
200M Run
10 Tire flips
10 Situps

9:00 AMRAP
100M Farmer Walk
50m Bear Crawl


In Pairs:
50 Burpees
60 Push Ups
70 Bodyrows
80 Wallballs
90 KB Swings
100 Air Squats
800m Run
100 Air Squats
90 KB Swings
80 Wallballs
70 Bodyrows
60 Push Ups
50 Burpees


Partner Assist Nordic Curl 3×10

Barbell Split Squat 4×8 each
paired with
Pull Ups 5×5/10

10 minute Z-Press Challenge

November 5 2019

Olympic Lifting Practice


Bench Press 5×5
paired with
Lawn Mowers 5×10 each

2 Rounds:
50 KB Swings
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
400m Run