ATTENTION: There will be a noon class on 12/31 and a noon class on New Year’s Day. Enjoy!
Archive: Dec 2019
Bent Over Barbell Row 5×10
paired with
Ab Wheel 5×10
For Time:
50 KB Swings
40 Wallballs
30 Situps
20 Burpees
15 Pull Ups
10 Tire Flips
Bench Press 5×5
paired with
Toes to Bar 5×10
For Time
20 Thrusters
200m Run
15 Thrusters
200m Run
10 Thrusters
200m Run
5 Thrusters
200m Run
100 Push Ups
400m Run
100 Lunges total
400m Run
100 Body Rows
400m Run
100 Flutter Kicks
400m Run
In Pairs
Lawnmowers 3×10
paired with
Seated Medicine Ball Throws 3×10 each
3 Rounds For Time:
10 Ground-to-Overhead
200m Shuttle Sprint
Olympic Lifting
12 Rounds:
24 Air Squats
19 KB Swings
8 Push Ups
5 Pull ups
Deadlift 5×5
3 Rounds:
50m Overhead Lunge Walk
10 Pull Ups
Complete in any order:
400m Farmer Walk
1 mile Run
2000m Row
Back Squats 5×5
Push Press 5×5
Pull Ups 5×10
100 Bicep Curls
100 Diamond Push Ups