Dedicated to Serious Personal Training

510-523-4769 · 2259 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, California 94502

Concrete Body Crossfit

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Archive: Mar 2020


Lawnmower Row 4×10 each
paired with
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 4×10 each

Split Squat Thruster 4×10 each
paired with
Figure 4 Reverse Crunch 4×10 each

With a water bottle/jar in each hand:
Sun Gods
Every time you drop your hands = 1 Burpee



100 Push Ups For Quality

Death By Squats



1 Burpee Push Ups
2 Mountain Climbers
3 Sit Ups
2-4-6 of each
3-6-9 of each
4-8-12 of each
10-20-30 of each
then back down to 1-2-3 of each

Zoom Link:


30 Seconds of each
1. Alternating Side Lunges
2. Box Jumps or Squat Jumps
3. Split Jumps
4. Speed Squats
5. Mountain Climbers
6. Push Ups
30 Seconds rest between exercises. 3 Sets.

Zoom Link:

12PM Sharp!

Starting on Wednesday we will be holding virtual workouts on Zoom. The schedule will be Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 12 noon. I will post the workouts and the login links prior to the day. See you then!


For Quality:
1. 20 Divebomber Push Ups
2. 20 Air squats
3. 20 Crunches
4. 10 Burpees
5. 10 Russian Twists
6. 20 Push-ups
7. 20 Mountain climbers
8. 20 Flutter kicks
9. 10 Burpees
10. 10 Ins and Outs
11. 20 Push-ups
12. 20 Jumping Jacks
13. 20 Alternating Supermans
14. 10 Burpees
15. 50 Sun Gods
16. 20 Push-ups
17. 20 Lunges
18. 20 Hello dollies
19. 10 Burpees
20. 10 Russian Twists


Every Hour on the Hour for 5 hours

3 minutes of:
3 Jumping Jacks
3 Mountain Climbers
3 Burpees

3 minutes of:
2 Spiderman stretches each side
Plank for the remainder

3 minutes of:
Lunge Complex

3 minutes of:
3 Prisoner Push ups
3 Sit Ups

Rest til the top of the hour. Do for 5 hours.


ATTENTION: In light of the shelter in place order, Concrete Body will be closed until further notice. Hopefully not too much longer! In the meantime here are some at-home workouts:


5 Rounds:
10 Couch Hip Thrusts
12 Reverse Lunges total
14 Shoulder Taps
18 Supermans


Pack a backpack with at least 20 lbs of weight. Water or bricks work great. Walk for two hours.